The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Well, I haven’t written on here in years and last night, while dancing around our kitchen with my 14 year old while listening to music and making supper, I was inspired to write again.  Here in Costa Rica we are all hunkered down in our houses and trying to keep things as clean as possible while dealing with water rationing thanks to it being late summer and super dry.  This coronavirus is presenting its challenges, but I must say Costa Rica has remained calm and people here are tough and positive.  It is a unique time in our world… we are all focused on and going through the same protocols, however, not all of our situations look the same.  But it is world wide.

So what does cooking, music and dancing have to do with all this you ask?  Well Spotify, we don’t have English radio I like here so we listen to Spotify, randomly threw in this version of song last night…

Tomorrow by Post Modern Jukebox

Click on it and listen to the whole song…. in that moment I was immediately this little girl again…..


Yep… I was 5 year old me again with my sister sitting in front of our big box TV, it is the early 80s and we are watching Annie any time the TV stations would air it…. you remember how it was… back before Netflix and even Blockbuster!  My little curly red headed self loved Annie.  And not because I was equally as cute as her….

But Annie was spunky.  She’d had a hard life and yet she always was positive and speaking up for those with no voice.  She helped everyone around her, even sometimes at her own expense. 

Hmmmm…. I’m thinking I did not realize until now how much of her I have in me….

But my favorite part of the movie was this song…. And how appropriate and encouraging it can be for us today.

The sun will come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There’ll be sun
Just thinkin’ about
Clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrow
‘Til there’s none
When I’m stuck with a day
That’s gray, and lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin, and say, oh
The sun’ll come outtomorrow
So ya gotta hang on’til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow tomorrow
I love ya
You’re always a day a way
Friends, we don’t know how long we will all be in our homes working and educating our kids.  This is world wide.  We don’t know how many people will contract this virus nor how many will die from it.  But we can rest in the One who does.
Friends, the sun will come out tomorrow…. this will end at some point.  We don’t know when it will be.  But it will. 
I just keep challenging myself to be someone in the midst of all of this….. unknown, closed borders, can’t return to the USA for an indefinite time while my son and extended family are there, closed businesses, hunger, change, homeschooling, empty shelves, fear, uncertainty….
I want to be someone else’s sunshine.  I want to be light, peace, encouragement, positivity.  I want to shine the Gospel of Christ.  I want to serve others with love and a smile.  
Worldwide church, this is our moment to live out all that we believe.  Perhaps we can all look inside of us and find our inner Annie and let’s add the Gospel of Christ to her spunk, bravery, love, positivity, voice and help to those suffering.  Because friends the sun will come out again and for some they will see the Son and be face to face with their Lord God and have to answer for their lives before this is over. 
We are all in this together.  Let’s love each other.  Who can you show your inner Annie to?  Let us be purposeful.

Author: courtenayfolk

My family and I have been called to the missionfield of Costa Rica. Our mission is to share the message of God's grace with the Ticos there. We live on the Volcano Irazu.

3 thoughts on “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”

  1. I love this! Positive, upbeat, and faith filled! I wish everyone would/could adopt your attitude.

  2. I really needed this today, all the positivity. I loved it, especially the part about your spunky self. It reminded me of my sister. Be safe and prayers of health. Allie

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